Thursday, June 18, 2015

Nothing New Yet

Just wanted to do a quick post about where we're at right now. So far, we are just waiting on the social worker who came and did our home inspection to write our Home Study report. This where she has many glowing things to say about us and what wonderful parents we'll make.  Like, duh. We're awesome.

Once the "Farley Report of Awesomeness" is written a copy will be sent to our placement agency where, all goes well, we will become active again.   What that means is that they will start showing our profile to expectant mothers/families as an option.  Yay!  Since we are now back in the States we're hoping that it won't be as long of a wait as before. There was a situation where we were the expectant mother's first pick but we couldn't guarantee that we could keep up with yearly visits. She lives in Tucson, which is only a 6-7 hour drive from here in Vegas.  Doing a yearly visit from here while we're still in Vegas would be no problem whatsoever. Unfortunately we do not know where we will be in 2 years once David retires.  We could be on the East coast or Overseas and couldn't commit to doing yearly visits.  She decided she wasn't comfortable with that and that's OK.  She wanted to be a part of her baby's life and we had no way of committing to that without the possibility plans may fall through.  Just like with anything else in life, Under promise and over deliver.

Some days I wonder if I'm too old and set in my ways to go through with this.  It doesn't seem like a 34 and 36 year old should be getting in to the parenting game on the ground floor.  I've been questioning lately whether I'll even make a good mom.  I know, I know, EVERYONE feels that way before they become parents. Blah Blah Blah.  That doesn't make it any easier.

So that's about all for now. I really need to get to bed.


Friday, June 12, 2015


After MUCH procrastination and paperwork we are in the home stretch.  The social worker came and did the home visit last week and all went well.  She'll be writing the complete home study next week so we should have it completed soon.  The last hurdle has been jumped!