Thursday, August 30, 2012

An Update

Hello everyone, sorry it's been so long since I updated.  Here's where we're at:

I am submitting the photos for our family profile this week.  Finally!!  I have been procrastinating at this for a long time and now I'm just going to get it done.  Hopefully I chose pictures that put David and me in a good light and will entice someone to seriously consider our family.

We are also about to get our video profile equipment as well.  Once that comes in the mail we'll be able to take the footage for a video that will go on our family's profile online as well as YouTube.  They post it on YouTube so that any woman who is considering adoption but doesn't want to make the commitment to an agency can browse through videos and see if she finds a family she likes.  We're going to make it as spectacular as we can!

Additionally I had to rush and gather a whole bunch of paperwork this evening to send to our adoption agency. That was fun awful.  For some reason I assumed our home study agency would be sending the information for us but apparently that wasn't the case.  Oh well, I got all the documents so it's done and over with.

Other than that everything is good and on track.  Hopefully we'll be all settled and ready to go by next month.  If not, by October.  And then it's just waiting on phone call! :) Wahoo!!

I'll keep you posted as much as possible.