Sunday, January 20, 2013

Impending Move

We are scheduled to leave Germany by October and as of yet we don't know where we'll be going next.  The overseas listings should be out next month and we're hoping to get Italy.  I'd really like to think that our chances are increased by the fact we're already here in Europe so it would be cheaper to move us from Germany to Italy than back to the States. That's the prevailing theory anyways.  It all remains to be seen whether there will actually be a spot open in Italy for David to fill.  If we don't know by March then we'll see what comes out on the Stateside listing released in April.  If we do go back Stateside I really hope we get to go back to Mountain Home.  I know, we were already there, but it's the closest base to our family and it would be awesome for when we finally get to have our kiddo. Especially since my sister is pregnant and due in July, the babies won't be that far apart in age.  At least that's what I'm hoping.  If everything falls in to place like I want it to, we'd be matched by March, baby due in May/June time frame, adoption finalized by the time we leave or shortly after we get home.  I know that's hoping for an awful lot and it's probably not going to happen that way, but I can dream, can't I? Just like I can dream that we'll go to Italy, spend another 3 years over here making awesome memories with our child and eating a metric ton of fan-freaking-tastic pasta.  It's the small things in life, ya know? :)

Anyway, as you can probably guess, nothing much has changed.  We are still waiting.  There was an email last month regarding a birth mother but everything was so far outside our budget that we couldn't make work.  Other than that, no real news on the adoption front.  As soon as there is though, I'll keep you posted.  As soon as I know where we'll be going next I'll make a post about that one too.  I'm guessing that one will be first :)