Saturday, June 9, 2012

Feeling Somewhat Accomplished

Today we got our big adoption questionnaire filled out for the adoption agency.  It goes over things like our budget, race of the child, substance use during the pregnancy and the birth mother's medical background.  There are some really tough choices to make when it comes to stuff like this because it makes you think about some difficult decisions.  I know that if I were having a baby there would be no booze or drugs of any kind unless prescribed by a doctor.  Unfortunately, it's not up to me anymore.  I have to put my hands up and have faith that these decisions I have to make will turn out ok and that David and I are able to handle them if anything comes up. 

Other than that we're on track to finish our home study soon as well.  We've received a few reference letters that were simply amazing (thank you Kristyne and Beth!!) and we're almost ready to set up our home visit with our social worker.  Once that is done and all of our paper work is completed then it will be sent to the adoption agency for review.  And then, once that's done we can activate our profile.  It will be so weird knowing that in a few months our information will be shown to perspective birth mothers.  I'm anxious but very excited at the same time.  I've finally allowed myself to begin looking at baby furniture and clothes.  We won't know the sex of the baby (and we didn't pay the extra money to be gender specific) so I'm having fun looking at all of the cute clothes on Amazon.  I'm focusing more on the furniture aspect of it because at the very least we'll need a bassinet, changing table and car seat/stroller.  Ordering furniture from the BX can take forever so I'm not sure if we'll do that or just buy stuff on Amazon since it will be easier to ship over here.  I'll even peruse Amazon UK because alot of their stuff will ship to Germany and it's cheaper than coming from the states. Some of my co-workers know where all the good baby shops in the area are so I'll have to take a look at them as well.  We do have a Toys R Us in K-town but their baby stuff is really limited unfortunately.  At least it was the last time I went in there anyway.

It feels good to be finally making some progress towards our goal of being parents.  I think both of us are starting to get a little bit excited. Dave is not so happy about all the paperwork that has to be done but oh well, he'll survive :-).

Anyway, I just wanted to keep everyone informed as to where we are at.  Every day we're getting closer and closer and I just can't wait. I'm glad we've made this decision and I'm hoping that soon our family will be complete. 


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